Purpose: To provide financial assistance to members of Edgemont Bible Church that are seeking post high school biblical education to fulfill or support their calling to fulltime Christian ministry. The training must include the teaching of Scriptures.

Scope: The scholarship is to assist with expenses involving books and tuition costs for a student maintaining a passing grade point average and is in good standing with the institution of education he is attending. Assistance is not to exceed $500.00 per semester/quarter or $1000.00 per year and has a $2000.00 individual lifetime limit.

• Member of Edgemont Bible Church.
• Called to fulltime Christian ministry.
• Endorsed by parents/guardian (if appropriate), Pastor and an Elder.
• Involved with Christian ministry at Edgemont Bible Church.

Institution of Education: The school is to be post high school and have a statement of faith that is equivalent to Edgemont Bible Church.

Higher Education Fund Application

Higher Education Fund Continued Assistance Application